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About Us

Long Years of Experience in Market with Quality At It's Best!

DIGITECH SOFTWARE offers a wide range of high quality products and solutions from the world’s leading manufacturers of:

  • Industrial equipment
  • Electric accessories
  • Computer systems
  • Smart machines and telecommunication equipment
  • Equipment for data centers


"DIGICAD, an industry leader, delivers cutting-edge, reliable, and robust equipment with precision and innovation, ensuring timely and cost-effective solutions through advanced technology and a robust supply chain network."

Our Services

We offer electrical and mechanical diagnostic services that includes....

AC electrical motor testing and analysis
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Infrared Thermography testing and analysis
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Ultrasonic leak detection
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Ultrasonic testing of electrical Arcing/Tracking/Corona detection
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Mechanical Vibration testing and analysis
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Industries We Serve

Energy Industry
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Food Industry
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Oil and Gas Industry
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Our Products

A vast selection of brands available to you.

At DIGICAD, we believe that the foundation of our success lies in the robust and collaborative relationships we have cultivated with our manufacturers. These partnerships are built on mutual trust, respect, and a shared commitment to excellence.

Our manufacturers play a crucial role in our ability to deliver high-quality, innovative engineering and design solutions. By working closely with them, we ensure that every component and piece of equipment meets our stringent standards and contributes to the overall success of our projects

Through open communication, continuous feedback, and joint development initiatives, we foster a synergistic relationship that benefits both parties. This collaborative approach not only enhances our product offerings but also helps our manufacturers refine and advance their technologies.

"We are at your service whenever you need us."